Who buys a distinctive home in Wellesley?


You did.

You are a sophisticated consumer who understands quality.

You are a financially savvy consumer who understands value.

Yes, just like you, buyers of multi-million dollar distinctive homes in Wellesley are knowledgeable and business-savvy.

Emotional appeals presented through beautiful pictures in glossy magazines simply aren't enough to sway discriminating buyers with multiple purchasing options.

Before making an offer, buyers of distinctive homes in Wellesley want the facts. They want price justification. They want the numbers, the rationale and the proof that the purchase of your specific home even with all of its beautiful amenities, is still a solid investment.

Working with me, together, we will be ready to present prospective buyers with the pertinent facts to make the case for value.

In Wellesley, it's a given that we are blessed with an acknowledged great location. In Wellesley, the most important points to present to prospective buyers are ...

Value, Value and Value.

Yes, in Wellesley, even buyers whose intention are to tear down and built still insist on value. Using my forty years of Wellesley real estate, knowledge and experience, I will identify the criteria leading to irrefutable points of comparison that will distinguish the investment value in purchasing your home from other offerings.

When a buyer can say, "Wow, my family loves this property AND it's a good deal." Then, we will generate an offer, hopefully multiple offers, that will lead to a successful transaction.

Diligence is the difference.

I am Bill FitzPatrick, President of Wellesley Real Estate. My commitment to you is hard work leading to a timely sale under terms and at a price advantageous to you. Call me. Here is my cell phone number 508-420-1800.

Misdirected Marketing | The Worst Thing | Value, Value, Value | Negotiating
Pricing | Open Houses | Agent or Agency | Give Me A Reason | Investing

Call me at any time 508-420-1800.