Give Me A Reason


Selling a Wellesley home is the time that we proudly put our best foot forward and present the evidence.

We know a good thing. Now, let's make sure that they know.

Why is your Wellesley home THE Wellesley home to buy?

We don't need to be ambassadors for the Wellesley Welcome Wagon or Chamber of Commerce proclaiming the many, indisputably wonderful attributes of the town. Wellesley buyers are already sophisticated and knowledgeable.

We need focus.

Our objective is to get YOUR home sold.

And, to do that, we must know the positives and negatives of all comparable Wellesley listings and then create a clear and compelling differentiation.

What makes the purchase of your home the obvious choice?

What makes your home stand out among the competition? Is it number of rooms, lot size, location, expansion options, amenities or price?

Without equivocation, we must know the advantages of investing in and living in YOUR Wellesley home. As your agent, it becomes my job to clearly articulate these advantages to both potential buyers and their agents.

Armed with the facts, we will succeed in finding the right buyer.

Call or text me at 508-420-1800. Email me at

Misdirected Marketing | The Worst Thing | Value, Value, Value | Negotiating
Pricing | Open Houses | Agent or Agency | Give Me A Reason | Investing

Call me at any time 508-420-1800.